
Showing posts from November, 2019

Top 10 famous cosmetics of the year recommended from SISKO Cosmetics

TOP 10 OF FAMOUS COSMETICS YOU CAN BUY ON SISKO COSMETICS   !! Without a doubt, women need makeup every day. Some even refreshing their own style every day! But there's numerous skincare products worldwide, and how to choose the best among them for personal use is quite tough and challenging! (You can't afford to buy all of them for testing😢, we know that...) But don't be sad! HERE you are!! You will get some ideas from this page thus you can buy it directly on our site ! We highly recommended some of the BEST cosmetics and skincare products for you because there're really that -GOOD- ! Check out SISKO 's top picks for all your everyday needs. 10.   Muji Sensitive Skin High  Moisturising Milk Skincare product made of natural water from cavern springs in Japan. It brings deep moisture to dry and sensitive skin gently. Leaves your drying sensitive skin refreshed and hydrated.  9. Mediheal Line Friends Face Masks Nothing can be ador

創造銷售量超過2千萬!HABA以什麽精神發展日本美容業? 'Pursuing true beauty', that is HABA’s defining theme.

HABA     到底是何方神聖? Maximize the natural healing power of your skin.' Pursuing true beauty', t hat is HABA’s defining theme. ◆來自北海道的『無添加主義』 HABA 研究所是在1983年,由日本無添加大師小柳昌之(Masayuki Koyanagi)創立, 以探索自然生命力物質為主軸精神,逐步發展出一系列能讓肌膚「自然無瑕」的美容及健康產品。  HABA    has been diligently working on developing safe, high-quality products, based on their immutable beliefs; The “non-additive mindset” not including any additives or preservatives in our products that can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Adhering to natural substances, ‘those ingredients of the same quality as the components of the skin”. and Assisting the natural healing power which we all possess, by providing only the essentials needed by the skin. ◆Health Aid Beauty Aid HABA 的品牌名源自「 H ealth  A id  B eauty  A id」,意即 「為健康與美麗提供協助」。以簡單為原則,用自然的方式縮短「美」與 「素肌」間的距離,喚醒肌膚與生俱來的自癒力,協助所有女性由內而外 達到健康與美麗,打造不折不扣的無添加美肌。 HABA   is the acronym for ‘ H ealth  A id  B eauty  A id”. which means assisting health a